About Us

Summer camp can be a definitive experience for kids – new sights and sounds, new friends, amazing mentors, exploration, sometimes a turning point, always inspiration. Camp changes people; camp opens doors and expands horizons and I want more young people to be able to have this experience, which is why I created the Josh Whitehead Summer Camp Fund.

Sadly, I lost my cousin Josh January 31, 2021, when he was just 20 years old. After a lot of grieving, I decided I wanted to find a way to do something positive in Josh’s name and that’s when the JW Camp Fund was born. I think there is no better, more fitting way to honor him than to help as many young people as possible attend Camp Wewa in Apopka, where he was a camper for eight summers. For those families that can’t afford camp costs, we want to provide funding so more deserving young people can have a great summer experience.

Please help us reach the goal of sending at least TEN deserving kids to Camp Wewa this summer. To do that, we need to raise $7000 – not a lot, considering the good we’ll do for these campers.

Thank you,

Remy Navarre